Legal notice


We want your experience on our website to be as safe, transparent and comfortable as possible. Hereafter, we provide you with all the legal information regarding the use of our platform.


Through this document we make available to the Users the information about the online platform accessible from the website  (hereinafter “Website”)

The Website is owned by:

  • Holder: KNOWLEDGE ANALYTICS & EVALUATION (hereinafter “KAE”)
  • TAX ID: 12664494
  • Registered office: 66 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3LH UK

The access and use of the Website, implies the express and unreserved acceptance of all the terms and conditions of use of this Legal Notice, having the same validity and effectiveness as any written and signed contract. Its observance and compliance shall be enforceable against any person who accesses, uses, or browses the Website. If you do not agree to the terms set forth, do not access or use this Website.

KAE reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration and content of the Website, as well as the conditions required for access and/or use. The access and/or use of the services of the Website after the entry into force of its modifications or changes implies the acceptance of the same.

Nevertheless, access and the use of certain services may be subject to certain specific conditions, which will in any case be clearly displayed and must be expressly accepted by users. These specific conditions may replace, complete or, where appropriate, modify these terms of use.

KAE reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions set forth herein, in whole or in part, by posting any changes in the same manner as these terms of use appear or through any communication to users.



KAE is an entity dedicated to IT consultancy activities and educational projects in multiple fields, supporting all sized companies in order to help them evaluate, select and implement the Business Solutions, enabling them to enhance their Processes efficiently.




Access to and use of the Website does not requires prior registration of the User on the Platform.

However, access and navigation through the Website implies that the User of the Website accepts in its entirety and is obliged to comply completely with this Legal Notice, as well as the instructions or recommendations that are indicated in each specific case through the Website.

Please, read previously the conditions of the Web Page and in case of not being in agreement with the same ones, abstain from acceding or making use of the same one.

The access to the Web is made under the own and exclusive responsibility of the User, who will respond in any case of the damages that this access could cause.

In any case, access and navigation on the Website by minors under fourteen (14) years of age is prohibited, unless they have the prior and express authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be considered responsible for the acts carried out by the minors in their care, in accordance with current regulations. In any case, it will be presumed that access by a minor to the Website has been made with the prior and express authorization of his/her parents, guardians or legal representatives.

Access, navigation and use of the Website is completely free of charge.


KAE is the legal titular or, in its case, has the corresponding licenses on the rights of exploitation of intellectual and industrial property of the Website, as well as the rights of intellectual and industrial property on the information, materials and contents of the same.

Under no circumstances will it be understood that access to the Website and the taking of courses and exams by users implies a renouncement, transmission, licence or total or partial transfer of these rights by KAE. The User has the right to use the contents and services of the Website within a strictly domestic environment.

References to registered trademarks or trade names, or other distinctive signs, whether owned by KAE or third parties, carry an implicit prohibition on their use without the consent of KAE or their legitimate owners. At no time, unless expressly stated otherwise, the access or use of the Website, the Courses and/or the materials and their contents, gives the User any right to distinctive signs included in it.

All intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents and/or services of the Website are protected and, in particular, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reproduce, communicate, transform or distribute, by any means and in any form, all or part of the contents included in the Website, for public or commercial purposes, without the prior, express and written authorisation of KAE or, where applicable, of the owner of the corresponding rights.

In the event that the User sends information of any kind to KAE through any of the channels provided for this purpose, the User declares, guarantees and accepts that he/she has the right to do so freely, that said information does not infringe any intellectual or industrial property rights, trade secrets or any other rights of third parties, and that said information is not confidential or harmful to third parties.

The User acknowledges that he or she assumes responsibility, leaving KAE exempt from any communication supplied personally or in its name, and that this responsibility is unrestricted by the accuracy, legality, originality, and ownership of the same.


  1. a) Links to other websites

Regarding the links published, KAE is committed to ensuring that the content of these links complies with current regulations, as well as with the Legal Notice. KAE also commits to immediately removing them as soon as it becomes known that the linked content does not comply in any way with any of the indications given.

The inclusion of any type of link from the Website to another website does not imply that there is any type of relationship, collaboration, or dependence between KAE and the person responsible for the website.

  1. b) Links in other websites to KAE

KAE informs that it has neither the power nor the human-technical means to know, control or approve all the information, content, products, or services provided by other websites that have established links to the Website.

For this reason, KAE does not assume any type of responsibility for any relative aspect established by such a link, such as access, data, information, files, quality and reliability of its products and services, its own links and/or any of its contents in general.


It is not permitted and, therefore, the consequences of accessing and/or using the for illegal or unauthorised purposes, with or without economic purpose, will be the exclusive responsibility of the Users.

General Prohibitions

Expressly, and without limitation, the following list is prohibited:

  1. Communicate through the Website content that could be considered a violation in any form of the fundamental rights to honour, personal and family privacy or the image of others and, especially, of minors.
  1. The use of the Website may cause damage, interruptions, inefficiencies or defects in its functionality or in third party devices;
  2. The use of the Website to transmit, install, publish any virus, malicious code or other harmful programs or files;
  3. The use of the Website to collect personal data of other users or for illegal purposes, against good faith, morals and public order;
  4. Breaking, or attempting to break, the security or authentication measures of the Website or any network connected to it, or the security or protection measures inherent in the content offered on the Website;
  5. The use of the Website in such a way as to cause disproportionate or unnecessary saturation in the infrastructure of the Website or the systems or networks of KAE, as well as the systems and networks connected to the Website; or
  6. Prevent the normal development of any activity available through the Website or any of its functions, either by altering or trying to alter, illegally or in any other way, the access, or operation, or by using fraudulent methods, through any procedure, and/or through any practice that attempts or violates in any way this Legal Notice.

In the event that a User fails to comply with any of the aforementioned obligations, KAE may adopt the necessary measures protected by law and in the exercise of its rights or obligations, and may even delete or suspend the User’s account, without any possibility of compensation for the damages caused.

Users who fail to comply with these prohibitions will be responsible for any claims arising as a result. Even if no claim is made by a third party, KAE reserves the right to prevent access to the Website, or to carry out the examination, as well as to participate in the spaces provided for such users.

Prohibitions on content provided


KAE provides its users with a channel through which they can communicate and report on the existence of any content that the user considers to be contrary to the law or which violates the legitimate rights of third parties.

If the user becomes aware of any of the above circumstances, they must immediately inform KAE, so that it can review the content communicated and, if necessary, proceed to remove or disable the content, by writing to the email address.



KAE cannot guarantee the reliability, usefulness or truthfulness of absolutely all the information and/or services of the Website, nor the usefulness or truthfulness of the documentation made available through it.

Consequently, KAE does not guarantee nor is it responsible for (i) the continuity of the Website; (ii) the absence of errors in it; (iii) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components in the Website or in the server that supplies it; (iv) the invulnerability of the Website and/or the impossibility of violating the security measures adopted in it; (v) the lack of usefulness or performance of the contents of the Website; and (vi) the damage or harm caused, to himself or to a third party, by any person who infringes the conditions, rules and instructions stipulated by KAE in the Website or through the violation of the security systems of the Website.

Nevertheless, KAE declares that it has adopted all the necessary organisational and technical measures, within its possibilities and the state of the art, to guarantee the functioning of the Website and reduce to a minimum the errors in the system, both from a technical point of view and in terms of the contents published on the Website.

If any of the Users does not comply with any of the obligations imposed or hinders the compliance by the other party of his or her obligations, he or she shall be liable for the damages caused, both for consequential damage and for loss of profit.

In any case, KAE reserves the right to suspend, modify, restrict or interrupt, temporarily or permanently, access to and/or use of the services of the Website, with or without previous notification, to Users who infringe any of the provisions detailed in these conditions of use, without the possibility of the User demanding any compensation for this cause.



In accordance with the provisions of current and applicable legislation on the Protection of Personal Data, all personal data provided during access to and use of the Website will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy which every User must expressly accept in order to access and use the Website.

Any User who accepts this Legal Notice, expressly and unequivocally accepts our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, and may exercise the rights that correspond to him/her in this matter, as informed in the aforementioned Policies.



All the clauses or sections of these terms and conditions must be interpreted independently and autonomously, the rest of the provisions not being affected in case one of them has been declared null and void or inapplicable by a court ruling or final arbitration decision. The affected clause or clauses will be replaced by another or others that preserve the effects sought by the conditions of use.

The failure of the KAE to exercise or enforce any right or provision contained in the Legal Notice shall not constitute a waiver thereof, unless acknowledged and agreed to in writing by the KAE.

Regardless of the geographical location of the User or his or her nationality, and provided that the regulations provide for the possibility of the parties submitting themselves to a specific jurisdiction, for any litigious matter or conflict that concerns the Website,  legislation in force at the time of the dispute shall apply, being competent for the resolution of all conflicts derived or related to the use of the Website the Courts and Tribunals of London and in its case, the Arbitration Courts of consumption or similar to which we are adhered, at the moment of the controversy.

To file a complaint regarding the use of our services, you can write to the e-mail address or physical address indicated in the introductory section, and we undertake to comply with all the notifications we receive in this regard.

Last updated: July 2020

Last updated: July 2020